general merchandise 4.21   General merchandise stores also suffered.
  new merchandise 1.91   Workers quickly priced the new merchandise.
  licensed merchandise 1.45   Under tons of licensed merchandise.
  selling merchandise 1.32   Then came the idea for a shop selling merchandise.
  official merchandise 0.99   A range of official Disney merchandise was on sale.
  unsold merchandise 0.92   Consumption and inventories of unsold merchandise are intertwined.
  same merchandise 0.86   All three are stocked with much the same merchandise.
  olympic merchandise 0.79   Selling official Olympic merchandise is big business.
  seasonal merchandise 0.79   The same rule applies to seasonal merchandise.
  stolen merchandise 0.79   Whoever did buy the ball has no worry about being caught with stolen merchandise.
  mass merchandise 0.66   The products are sold at drugstores and mass merchandise stores.
  branded merchandise 0.59   Those chains followed through on offering branded merchandise at good prices.
  discounted merchandise 0.59   Discounted merchandise or anything Pokemon was a good thing on Friday.
  free merchandise 0.53   Not all the free merchandise was moving, even at half the price.
  related merchandise 0.53   After each segment, related merchandise will be offered for sale.
  similar merchandise 0.53   Same stores, similar merchandise, same fast food and same movies.
  cheap merchandise 0.39   Hong Kong wanted to shuck its image as a producer of cheap merchandise.
  designer merchandise 0.39   There has been a shift in Japanese tastes from designer merchandise to bridge fashions.
  expensive merchandise 0.39   Additionally, we would advise the removal of expensive merchandise from your windows.
  high-end merchandise 0.39   The reason was high-end merchandise.
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