different mentality 1.18   He has a different mentality.
  same mentality 0.86   Woods has the same mentality.
  new mentality 0.59   But Hayes has brought a new aggressive mentality to this crew.
  corporate mentality 0.39   The corporate mentality wants conformity, not contrariness.
  old mentality 0.39   But old mentalities die hard.
  bottom-line mentality 0.33   Now, a bottom-line mentality is stirring action.
  russian mentality 0.33   The suspicious attitude is a matter of Russian mentality, he added.
  aggressive mentality 0.26   But Hayes has brought a new aggressive mentality to this crew.
  defensive mentality 0.26   The challenge is to keep that defensive mentality through the rest of the year.
  pervasive mentality 0.26   Now, both are reflective of a pervasive mentality, a game in transition.
  right mentality 0.26   We have to have the right mentality.
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