take medication 34.50   Dole takes three medications.
  receive medication 4.21   When I received the medication I was aghast!
  prescribe medication 3.82   Typically, however, medication is prescribed.
  use medication 3.42   Medication is used sparingly.
  give medication 3.29   Medication was given.
  need medication 2.57   He needs medication.
  require medication 2.11   All three require medication.
  administer medication 1.97   What about those who administered the medication?
  stop medication 1.91   Ann was to stop her medication completely.
  get medication 1.38   He wanted me to get the medications.
  buy medication 1.32   Scores of consumers cross the border and buy medications in Canada or Mexico.
  include medication 1.05   Often, a combination of therapies, including medication, is used to treat GAD.
  dispense medication 0.99   Pharmacists are certified to dispense medication.
  have medication 0.79   We have medications.
  adjust medication 0.72   Medications will be adjusted on-line.
  deliver medication 0.72   Infusion pumps deliver medication with a precision beyond human capability.
  change medication 0.66   Shortly afterwards my usual medication was changed.
  try medication 0.66   Doctors tried medication after medication to control the seizures.
  afford medication 0.59   The affluent are able to afford medication through the six-month period of treatment.
  find medication 0.59   And Dan finally found a medication to control his debilitating seizures.
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