come may 1.58   Might come up trumps.
  company may 1.25   That company may or may not be Enron.
  people may 0.99   Had to ask people some people might object.
  government may 0.92   If the plaintiffs do not appeal, the government might.
  military may 0.79   Military might.
  child may 0.72   And I kept logs, as only an obsessed child might.
  result may 0.72   Discontinuing treatment too early May result in an unfavourable outcome.
  change may 0.59   This change may or may not alter the old liability rules.
  lead may 0.59   What lead might I have followed?
  man may 0.59   That man may or may not be Robert Downey Jr.
  court may 0.53   The court may or may not agree to review the assisted suicide ruling.
  investor may 0.53   But the investors might not.
  member may 0.53   But other Black Caucus members may back the Independent.
  country may 0.46   A Third World country may or may not receive aid because of what happens here, he said.
  group may 0.46   A group may en joy a self-drive barge, which also is less expensive.
  report may 0.46   An autopsy report may or may not reveal that.
  talk may 0.46   No one would predict how long the talks here might last.
  thing may 0.46   To imagine where things might go?
  action may 0.39   He grapples with his desire to help her and his fear that his actions might be misinterpreted.
  following may 0.39   We set a date for the following May and started making plans.
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