simple math 2.90   Simple math.
  basic math 1.91   Basic math.
  fuzzy math 1.58   Fuzzy math?
  teaching math 1.05   He is teaching math to his fellow inmates.
  advanced math 0.99   Fortunately, football does not require advanced math.
  complex math 0.86   Complex math problems make me dizzy.
  higher math 0.59   Higher math scares most of us.
  remedial math 0.59   The university says about two thirds of its students pass the first remedial math course.
  standardized math 0.53   Cotton suffers from anxiety when taking standardized math tests.
  former math 0.39   The former math professor, was arrested Wednesday and charged for posession of bomb-making material.
  learning math 0.39   Does musical training prime the synapses for learning math?
  little math 0.39   A little math quickly showed us we could afford it.
  major math 0.39   He is a computer science and math major.
  national math 0.39   Shift consternation to national math test scores?
  average math 0.33   The average math scores of Naperville students were just behind those of students in five Asian nations.
  new math 0.33   The new political math is daunting.
  quick math 0.33   I did the quick math.
  applied math 0.26   At Harvard, he majored in pure mathematics but his interest soon shifted to applied math.
  early math 0.26   Girls often lack the early math training that many boys get.
  high-level math 0.26   The programs are intended to give disabled students greater access to a high-level math education.
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