surgical mask 10.66   Some wore surgical masks.
  black mask 5.27   Thugs in black masks.
  protective mask 2.37   Protective masks are nonexistent, exhaust fans scarce.
  white mask 2.17   The gunman, wearing a white mask, fled by bicycle.
  african mask 1.32   He plans to make an African mask from his stone.
  breathing mask 1.25   The dead man was wearing some sort of breathing mask.
  plastic mask 0.99   Kornegay returned in the second half wearing a clear plastic mask.
  emergency mask 0.92   The oxygen generators are used on some planes to supply emergency masks with oxygen.
  facial mask 0.86   Facial masks are another type of blemish control.
  traditional mask 0.72   Outside a tourist shop, children danced with traditional masks stolen from the store.
  wearing mask 0.72   The three men, all wearing black masks, stormed into the shop mid-morning.
  grotesque mask 0.53   Faces were twisted into grotesque masks.
  animal mask 0.46   But unfortunately all the animal masks got burned in the fire.
  special mask 0.46   In Japanese Kabuki theater, the actors wear special masks.
  blue mask 0.39   Members of the medical team smiled behind their blue masks.
  carved mask 0.39   But glancing around his store, eyeing the carved masks and ebony statues of Maasai warriors, his mood quickly changed.
  gold mask 0.39   Can you describe his gold mask?
  latex mask 0.39   No latex masks involved here.
  medical mask 0.39   Choonhyang, a white medical mask over her mouth, makes daily visits to Ajoo University hospital as a special patient.
  old mask 0.39   This is the old mask of his old culture.
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