computer malfunction 2.30   A computer malfunction, you say?
  engine malfunction 0.86   She said there was some engine malfunction but had no further details.
  equipment malfunction 0.79   A subsequent probe blamed pilot error and equipment malfunction.
  rudder malfunction 0.66   Among the areas to be examined is the possibility of a rudder malfunction.
  instrument malfunction 0.53   They have launched an investigation into the apparent instrument malfunction.
  kidney malfunction 0.53   Freij was hospitalized earlier this month with a kidney malfunction.
  system malfunction 0.39   If one system malfunctions, a dealer can simply replace the appropriate box.
  autopilot malfunction 0.26   A computer error apparently led to the autopilot malfunction, Casad said.
  bolt malfunction 0.26   NASA wants to determine, among other things, whether the bolt malfunction poses a danger.
  brain malfunction 0.26   One factor may be a brain malfunction.
  heart malfunction 0.26   Doctors also said a heart malfunction appeared to be under control.
  machine malfunction 0.26   Machine malfunction and human error.
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