school lunch 13.23   School lunches are another.
  picnic lunch 4.48   Picnic lunches.
  business lunch 3.82   The business lunch.
  day lunch 2.17   He has lunch every day.
  power lunch 1.38   Forget the power lunch.
  bag lunch 1.25   They ate bag lunches.
  sack lunch 1.05   He would prefer a sack lunch.
  three-martini lunch 1.05   Remember three-martini lunches?
  farewell lunch 0.79   Some forty former pupils attended a farewell lunch for her over the gaudy weekend.
  weekday lunch 0.79   Lunch weekdays, dinner nightly.
  pub lunch 0.59   Pub lunches are a local favorite.
  brown-bag lunch 0.53   Second, there are plenty of leftovers to wrap up for brown-bag lunches.
  three-hour lunch 0.39   All of that discussion filled about an hour of our nearly three-hour lunch.
  week lunch 0.39   Luckily, Domino Mei-Ling did not come into the office to meet Damian for lunch that week.
  barbecue lunch 0.33   The rate includes a Continental breakfast and poolside barbecue lunch daily.
  press lunch 0.33   The remarks were made at a press lunch.
  sandwich lunch 0.33   The remains of a sandwich lunch were on the side table.
  time lunch 0.33   He had me buy lunch one time.
  trail lunch 0.33   Trail lunches are sold separately.
  expense-account lunch 0.26   Even that most hallowed institution, the expense-account lunch, is fading.
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