price lower 10.27   In Tokyo, share prices closed lower on profit-taking.
  company lower 6.65   The company has also lowered its debt.
  stock lower 5.66   Stocks ended mostly lower abroad.
  government lower 4.94   The government may lower rates this week.
  analyst lower 4.08   Other analysts also lowered their ratings.
  future lower 2.96   Western Natural Gas futures settled lower on profit-taking.
  bank lower 2.57   Some banks also lowered variable-rate mortgages.
  yield lower 1.97   That sent bond yields lower for a third day.
  investor lower 1.51   Investors sold stocks lower earlier in the session before sending prices modestly upward.
  share lower 1.51   Indonesian shares closed lower on profit-taking.
  bond lower 1.32   The yen accompanied stocks and bonds lower.
  dollar lower 1.18   A higher dollar lowers the value of non-U.S. revenue.
  market lower 0.99   Asian markets mostly lower.
  cut lower 0.92   An interest rate cut would lower mortgage rates, which would encourage home building.
  rate lower 0.92   The rates in effect lower interest payments for a time.
  agency lower 0.86   The agency has lowered rates four times already this year.
  country lower 0.86   Euro countries lower interest rates.
  drug lower 0.86   Vince Megaro takes drugs to lower his blood pressure and cholesterol level.
  exporter lower 0.86   A weaker ringgit allows Malaysian exporters to lower their prices.
  step lower 0.86   As the sliding doors open, a step automatically lowers.
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