same logic 3.42   Steal a car, same logic.
  economic logic 2.11   The economic logic is powerful.
  fuzzy logic 1.58   Somehow this fuzzy logic had stayed on.
  programmable logic 1.45   This San Jose firm makes programmable logics for companies like Cisco Systems Inc.
  a logic 1.12   It has a certain logic!
  underlying logic 1.12   The underlying logic is persuasive.
  simple logic 0.99   Simple logic, Anderson said.
  similar logic 0.92   Similar logic applies to the second situation.
  political logic 0.86   The political logic is stark.
  commercial logic 0.79   The commercial logic in this?
  internal logic 0.79   Much of the internal logic makes no sense.
  inexorable logic 0.59   It followed an inexorable logic.
  twisted logic 0.53   Prior to his last hours, he gave interviews discussing his twisted logic.
  human logic 0.46   But suffice it to say, His mysterious ways remain a mystery that defies human logic.
  cold logic 0.39   When it comes to air anxiety, cold logic is seldom involved.
  emotional logic 0.39   Their behavior toward one another seems almost random, obeying no emotional logic.
  flawed logic 0.39   Someone needs to explain this flawed logic.
  industrial logic 0.39   He said the offer was based on industrial logic.
  boolean logic 0.33   The program searches for information using Boolean logic.
  cool logic 0.33   The campus was calm, and the department was a citadel of cool logic.
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