police lob 3.29   Police lobbed volleys of tear gas.
  militant lob 0.86   Minutes later, militants lobbed a grenade at an army bunker, but missed.
  protester lob 0.66   Protesters lobbed rocks, bricks and gasoline bombs at the armored Land-Rovers.
  troop lob 0.66   Chinese troops lobbed test missiles into the sea near the bustling ports of Taiwan.
  force lob 0.59   Enemy forces lobbed a series of artillery shells onto the city.
  assailant lob 0.53   Police said the assailants lobbed at least five mortar shells at the Bir Kallab outpost.
  artillery lob 0.46   Wave after wave of Russian jets bombed the Chechen capital today and Russian artillery lobbed shells into the city center.
  guerrilla lob 0.46   Guerrilla in turn lobbed mortar shells and Soviet-designed Katysha rockets on the security zone, the sources added.
  soldier lob 0.46   The soldier lobbed a grenade into the bunker.
  student lob 0.46   In the streets of Jakarta, students lob firebombs at police.
  attacker lob 0.39   Attackers have lobbed grenades at mosques, and gunned down people on the streets and in their houses.
  man lob 0.39   One man lobbed a grenade at the car.
  rebel lob 0.39   In another incident, rebels lobbed a hand grenade at a civilian bus, killing one person, Dewage said.
  activist lob 0.26   Activists lobbed rocks at soldiers who riposted with teargas and percussion grenades.
  demonstrator lob 0.26   Demonstrators lobbed hundreds of firebombs.
  group lob 0.26   Some groups lobbed incendiary devices at police before ultimately dispersing.
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