tight liquidity 4.61   If that happens, what you will have is very tight liquidity.
  excess liquidity 2.44   There will be excess liquidity in the economy.
  sufficient liquidity 1.97   Banks aim to make profits, but they must also maintain sufficient liquidity.
  ample liquidity 1.18   Against this background, monetary policy should keep providing ample liquidity.
  domestic liquidity 1.18   Thailand was badly in need of foreign capital to shore up the baht and boost domestic liquidity.
  greater liquidity 1.05   Willamette said it was also seeking greater liquidity and less price volatility on the Big Board.
  severe liquidity 0.99   In contrast, Korean companies are expected to experience a severe liquidity crunch.
  short-term liquidity 0.92   The loan is intended to help the Mexican central bank with short-term liquidity problems.
  current liquidity 0.86   Banking officials said current excess liquidity could be between two billion ringgit and four billion ringgit.
  serious liquidity 0.79   Wilas insisted that his company had not suffered a serious liquidity problem.
  high liquidity 0.72   High liquidity continues to drive rates down, traders said.
  increased liquidity 0.72   Nasdaq, in offering investors another trading avenue, would gain increased liquidity.
  low liquidity 0.72   The central bank recently put Bankcoop under surveillance due to low liquidity.
  adequate liquidity 0.59   Such a market might have lacked adequate liquidity for success.
  local liquidity 0.59   Local liquidity is coming back into the market again.
  lower liquidity 0.59   They may simply go ahead and expand credit, and accept a lower liquidity ratio.
  surplus liquidity 0.59   Banks now have surplus liquidity.
  tighter liquidity 0.59   But the tighter liquidity has pushed interest rates higher.
  additional liquidity 0.46   European Central Bank takes first measure to provide additional liquidity to markets.
  international liquidity 0.46   It said there are no major concerns regarding international liquidity management at present.
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