rail link 16.19   A rail link to Kashgar opened two years ago.
  air link 13.96   U.N. sanctions bar air links with Iraq.
  trade link 12.64   The traditional route is via trade links.
  communication link 11.06   Communication links have been disrupted.
  telephone link 10.73   Jaffna has no telephone link.
  road link 7.70   Rebels control more territory, road links.
  transport link 6.52   The region has good transport links to the capital.
  satellite link 5.99   Gore spoke via satellite link.
  business link 5.60   He has business links to Germany.
  radio link 4.21   He tried again to call Richie on the radio link.
  transportation link 4.21   Transportation links among African nations remain primitive.
  computer link 3.42   New computer software link for Indonesian internet sites.
  phone link 3.03   Phone links are installed.
  telecommunication link 2.57   Details were sketchy and telecommunication links to the area is poor.
  land link 2.11   Djerba, a vacation resort, has a land link from Tunisia to Libya.
  railway link 2.11   The two countries resumed railway links two years ago.
  hypertext link 1.78   A better hypertext link.
  drug link 1.58   A drugs link is suspected.
  al-qaida link 1.32   Pakistan hands over Arabs suspected of al-Qaida links to U.S.
  chain link 1.32   His ball lay about eight inches from the chain link.
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