acute leukemia 3.69   The cause was acute leukemia.
  chronic leukemia 2.57   Robles is suffering from chronic myelogenous leukemia.
  myelogenous leukemia 1.84   Robles is suffering from chronic myelogenous leukemia.
  lymphocytic leukemia 1.58   Acute lymphocytic leukemia destroys bone marrow.
  myeloid leukemia 0.92   Stewart suffered a rare form of childhood cancer called acute myeloid leukemia.
  lymphoblastic leukemia 0.66   Harold had acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
  feline leukemia 0.46   And millions more aging cats are susceptible to feline leukemia, feline AIDS and kidney failure.
  human leukemia 0.39   Drug wipes out human leukemia cells in mice.
  adult leukemia 0.26   Few adult leukemia patients have been engrafted with placental blood.
  developing leukemia 0.26   The report noted that patients taking the drug for sickle cell are at slightly higher risk of developing leukemia.
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