send letter 136.01   He only sent one letter.
  write letter 95.66   You wrote that letter yet?
  receive letter 67.87   We received a letter of apology.
  sign letter 25.67   Baker signed the letter.
  read letter 18.04   Have you read that letter?
  deliver letter 16.85   Letters were delivered twice a week only.
  get letter 15.73   I get letters.
  release letter 12.64   The letter was released Monday.
  mail letter 9.61   The mail just arrived.
  publish letter 8.16   One letter will be published.
  have letter 7.77   It has four letters.
  open letter 7.77   I opened the letter.
  exchange letter 6.78   I exchanged letters with him.
  carry letter 6.19   TV also carried the letter.
  address letter 6.12   That letter was addressed to me.
  see letter 5.66   Please see enclosed letter from.
  give letter 5.60   Barghouti gives the letter to Arafat.
  find letter 5.46   I found the letter and he went.
  submit letter 5.33   Prosecutors submitted that letter into evidence.
  include letter 5.20   His papers include many letters from the novelist Richard Wright.
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