wide-angle lens 1.38   We had our wide-angle lenses.
  corrective lens 1.25   He was also required to wear corrective lenses.
  long lens 1.18   Photographers with long lenses roamed the nearby gentle hills.
  different lens 1.12   But it is a different lens.
  soft lens 0.99   Soft lenses are easier to wear for a number of reasons.
  disposable lens 0.86   My daughter-in-law Kris also wears disposable lenses.
  thick lens 0.79   Thick lenses shield his eyes.
  new lens 0.72   He complained that the new lenses gave him double vision and headaches.
  special lens 0.72   In both, a special wide-angle lens was used.
  plastic lens 0.66   A glass lens is better than a plastic lens.
  magnifying lens 0.53   The job might require good lighting, mirrors and magnifying lenses, the agency said.
  interchangeable lens 0.46   The camera has two interchangeable lenses.
  optical lens 0.46   The cost of optical lenses could be a deciding factor.
  small lens 0.46   His glasses, with silver-wire rims, had small lenses.
  intraocular lens 0.39   Intraocular lens to replace lens clouded by cataracts.
  longer lens 0.39   And longer lenses made the problem worse.
  political lens 0.39   Both men viewed their actions through a political lens.
  single lens 0.39   Collins said he sees the issue through a single lens.
  gravitational lens 0.33   These were gravitational lenses.
  large lens 0.33   As George took them gently he saw a man kneeling on the floor, fiddling with large lenses and a camera.
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