flame leap 2.37   Orange flames leapt up.
  heart leap 2.11   His heart leapt.
  man leap 1.84   Young men leaped onto the coaches.
  price leap 0.92   Now, the price has leaped to four times book value.
  people leap 0.79   People leaped up.
  woman leap 0.72   Only nine women have leaped further.
  fan leap 0.66   Fans leapt from their seats and skipped and raced between the rows of seats.
  dog leap 0.46   Dogs leap for Frisbees.
  officer leap 0.46   Officers leapt onto the tank and used bolt cutters to open the hatch.
  word leap 0.46   The words leap out at me.
  company leap 0.39   Household products companies leaped.
  animal leap 0.33   Sometimes small animals leaped out and scurried away.
  dolphin leap 0.33   Dolphins may even leap from the water.
  driver leap 0.33   The driver leapt from the bus as it veered off the road.
  fish leap 0.33   The fish leaped out of the water.
  future leap 0.33   Crude oil futures leapt to their highest level since mid-December.
  passenger leap 0.33   Passengers leaped from the decks into the Atlantic and two died.
  player leap 0.33   The players leap into the stands after touchdowns.
  stock leap 0.33   Major oil company stocks also leaped upward.
  actor leap 0.26   FEATURE-US-STAMOS, actor leaps from TV to Broadway.
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