radioactive leak 4.08   No radioactive leaks were detected.
  small leak 2.17   Also, I have a small leak from tank to bowl.
  possible leak 1.45   Inspect all gutter seams for possible leaks.
  new leak 1.12   Soldiers fight new leaks in flood barriers.
  chemical leak 0.99   The chemical leak poses a threat to human health.
  minor leak 0.92   I have a few minor leaks that I can live with.
  slow leak 0.92   The punctured tire sprang a slow leak.
  major leak 0.86   At the Montezuma Castle, he counted two dozen major leaks in the roof.
  alleged leak 0.72   Special prosecutor says alleged leaks not covered by secrecy rules.
  serious leak 0.59   Like the bullpen, the roof sprang a serious leak.
  anonymous leak 0.46   Both Kyodo and NHK quoted anonymous leaks from the police investigation.
  apparent leak 0.46   There were no apparent leaks.
  fluid leak 0.46   Johnston said the fluid leak results from a weakness or a herniation in the capsule.
  illegal leak 0.46   If he was the source of illegal leaks from the grand jury, he should be prosecuted.
  recent leak 0.46   Bush was correctly furious at the recent leak of sensitive information that came from Capitol Hill.
  nuclear leak 0.39   A nuclear leak?
  accidental leak 0.33   Investigators have ruled out an accidental leak.
  acid leak 0.33   Last year a plutonium-laced acid leak dripped for eight days.
  current leak 0.33   When a current leak occurs, the balance between the two is upset.
  dangerous leak 0.33   Officials have cut gas service for fear of causing dangerous leaks of highly flammable natural gas.
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