use leaf 3.49   Coca leaf is used to make cocaine.
  have leaf 2.76   The plant has furry leaves.
  remove leaf 2.44   Remove the leaves.
  eat leaf 2.37   The deer also eat cinnamon leaves.
  take leaf 2.30   Others took leaves of absence.
  rake leaf 2.17   Rake the leaves.
  cancel leaf 1.97   Police leaves were canceled.
  drop leaf 1.91   Then, in late April and May, the tree drops these leaves.
  lose leaf 1.91   Well not all trees lose their leaves.
  shed leaf 1.91   He shed his leaves to cover her.
  chop leaf 1.32   Then chop the leaves.
  chew leaf 1.12   The leaves are also chewed by peasants everywhere.
  coat leaf 1.12   Toss to coat each leaf with oil.
  grow leaf 1.05   The cut plant grows new leaves continuously.
  add leaf 0.92   Add cilantro leaves and serve.
  pick leaf 0.86   Pick the leaves from the basil.
  tear leaf 0.86   Tear the leaves into bite-size pieces.
  dry leaf 0.79   Rinse and dry geranium leaves.
  cause leaf 0.72   This causes leaves to yellow and drop.
  keep leaf 0.72   Q. Why do evergreens keep their leaves?
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