company lay 8.03   Record companies are laying off employees.
  worker lay 1.97   Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.
  rebel lay 1.71   In exchange, Dos Santos wants the rebels to lay down their arms and demilitarize.
  government lay 1.25   Government lays down terms for massacre probe.
  police lay 1.12   No charges were immediately laid by police.
  firm lay 1.05   The firm has been laying off consultants.
  soldier lay 1.05   Most were soldiers laying mines.
  factory lay 0.92   Factories are laying off workers.
  people lay 0.86   In Frankfurt, people laid flowers outside of the U.S. Consulate.
  army lay 0.79   The army laid its own wreath about an hour before Djukanovic.
  country lay 0.79   Both countries have laid claim to a reunited Kashmir.
  leader lay 0.72   The Paraguayan leader also laid a wreath at a downtown monument to the nation.
  parent lay 0.59   The parents laid their wreaths where the gym used to be.
  president lay 0.59   The two presidents then laid wreaths on the cemetery memorial as their wives looked on.
  queen lay 0.59   The queen was laying steadily.
  force lay 0.53   Rebel Serb forces laid seige to the capital from suburbs ringing Sarajevo.
  man lay 0.53   Outside the club, two men were laying into each other.
  report lay 0.53   A U.S. official said the report lays the groundwork for sanctions.
  troop lay 0.53   Russian troops have laid waste to Grozny and stand accused of looting, murder and torture.
  airline lay 0.46   Other airlines are laying off more workers than Delta.
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