people laugh 11.26   People laugh.
  audience laugh 5.00   The audience laughs.
  man laugh 3.55   His men laugh.
  crowd laugh 2.83   The crowd laughs.
  kid laugh 1.97   The kids laugh.
  player laugh 1.78   His players laughed.
  woman laugh 1.71   A woman laughs.
  friend laugh 1.58   Friends laughed.
  child laugh 1.32   The children laugh.
  student laugh 1.05   The students laughed.
  girl laugh 0.99   The girls laugh.
  two laugh 0.92   The two laugh.
  fan laugh 0.79   Raiders fans would laugh.
  guy laugh 0.79   The guys laugh.
  teammate laugh 0.79   Teammates laugh.
  coach laugh 0.66   The coach laughed.
  boy laugh 0.59   The sick boy laughs.
  mother laugh 0.59   His mother laughed.
  officer laugh 0.53   The two officers laugh.
  brother laugh 0.46   The brothers laugh.
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