condemn kidnapping 2.04   The Red Cross strongly condemned the kidnapping.
  report kidnapping 1.71   Another called to report a kidnapping.
  stage kidnapping 1.65   The rebels have staged several kidnappings.
  carry kidnapping 1.51   The rebels frequently carry out kidnappings.
  confirm kidnapping 1.51   Police sources confirmed the kidnappings.
  encourage kidnapping 1.18   India refused, saying such a move would encourage more kidnappings.
  include kidnapping 1.18   Guerrilla operations could include kidnappings.
  follow kidnapping 0.92   The observing mission was interrupted following the kidnapping of U.N. observers in the area in December.
  mastermind kidnapping 0.86   Saeed is accused of masterminding the kidnapping.
  order kidnapping 0.86   Kovac supporters suggest the kidnapping was ordered by Meciar supporters.
  announce kidnapping 0.79   The kidnapping was announced by an Angolan official Monday who said the men were working for a private mine company.
  blame kidnapping 0.79   The kidnappings have been blamed on extremists and some renegade Muslim rebel groups.
  investigate kidnapping 0.79   Police said they were continuing to investigate the kidnapping.
  use kidnapping 0.72   The rebels use kidnappings to raise money.
  plan kidnapping 0.59   The meeting is important because it suggests that Saeed planned the kidnapping well in advance.
  discuss kidnapping 0.53   Rabin has called an emergency cabinet meeting on Wednesday to discuss the kidnapping.
  orchestrate kidnapping 0.53   Police believe Casey orchestrated the kidnapping.
  end kidnapping 0.46   It said such reports would not help to end the kidnapping.
  prevent kidnapping 0.46   In September, Yemen said it would increase security for tourists in an attempt to prevent kidnappings.
  solve kidnapping 0.46   Sometimes, police or military units try to solve kidnappings by assaulting hideouts with their guns blazing.
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