onside kick 7.90   Onside kicks.
  spot kick 7.11   Del Piero netted the spot kick.
  high kick 2.57   The high kicks never connect.
  swift kick 2.24   All it took was three swift kicks.
  finishing kick 1.84   And she had a strong finishing kick.
  blocked kick 1.65   The key play was a blocked kick.
  winning kick 1.58   It was his third winning kick in three weeks.
  final kick 1.45   Then the kid drilled his final kick.
  big kick 1.32   It was a big kick on the road.
  last kick 1.32   The last kick of the match.
  overhead kick 1.32   Benjamin struck a post with an overhead kick.
  good kick 1.18   It had a good kick.
  extra kick 1.12   That extra kick will be light yet long.
  first kick 1.12   Begin the first kick as the hands enter the water.
  real kick 0.92   The wine had a real kick.
  game-winning kick 0.86   It was the game-winning kick.
  powerful kick 0.86   He scored with a powerful kick.
  successful kick 0.86   For a successful kick, all had to be perfect.
  direct kick 0.79   The final goal fell two minutes later, again from Jancker, who connected on a direct kick.
  late kick 0.79   Others rely on a late finishing kick.
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