great joy 4.81   It is an hour of great joy.
  sheer joy 3.03   Shiona smiled with sheer joy.
  pure joy 2.90   For some, it was pure joy.
  real joy 2.04   That was a real joy.
  greatest joy 1.45   His other greatest joy is reminiscing.
  simple joy 1.05   David stuck to the simple joys of peace.
  greater joy 0.59   What greater joy can there be?
  small joy 0.53   Indeed, it would take a colder heart than mine to deny her this small joy.
  childlike joy 0.46   That childlike joy is leavened by a wider world view.
  special joy 0.46   His screen saver shows fly-fishing, his special joy.
  only joy 0.39   The only joy in small quakes is trying to guess its number.
  such joy 0.39   He is such a joy.
  unalloyed joy 0.39 occasion of unalloyed joy.
  unrestrained joy 0.39   But the mood of unrestrained joy was still evident.
  utter joy 0.39   Utter joy flowed, enveloped, pulled you in.
  genuine joy 0.33   There was an aura of genuine joy when she won her three golds.
  particular joy 0.33   Spurrier took particular joy in that one.
  spiritual joy 0.33   Spiritual joy is profound and lasting.
  true joy 0.33   How can I find true joy in life?
  unbridled joy 0.33   For Chen Lu, it was unbridled joy.
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