break jaw 3.82   He broke her jaw.
  clench jaw 2.17   I often clench my jaw.
  set jaw 1.18   Ms. Gause drew a breath and set her jaw.
  drop jaw 0.99   At first, it dropped jaws.
  wire jaw 0.66   His jaw is wired shut.
  snap jaw 0.46   His jaw has been snapped in two and the only food he can take is liquid.
  have jaw 0.39   They have jaws that snap.
  shatter jaw 0.39   Just before Mariucci got married, Izzo shattered his jaw in a softball game.
  fracture jaw 0.33   His skull was cracked, his jaw fractured.
  move jaw 0.33   He chewed his food by using his hand to move his jaw.
  open jaw 0.33   I open their jaws and look at their teeth.
  lock jaw 0.26   Her jaw is locked.
  rub jaw 0.26   Rod rubbed his jaw to ease the pain a little.
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