contain item 28.11   Contains items from Burma,
  sell item 12.90   Most items are sold in the house.
  buy item 10.40   But no one was buying these items.
  include item 9.35   Both years include items.
  find item 5.20   Can you find that item?
  remove item 4.34   Staff removed the items.
  have item 3.69   Some have nonstandard items.
  take item 3.55   She denied taking the items.
  purchase item 3.49   It is best not to purchase these items after these dates.
  return item 3.42   Be sure to return the item as well.
  carry item 3.16   Target no longer carries this item.
  use item 3.16   Items may be used if desired.
  list item 2.76   The report did not list the items traded.
  exclude item 2.63   They also exclude one-time items.
  offer item 2.37   But Fressange does offer appealing items.
  add item 2.17   The two continually add items to the line.
  donate item 1.97   Most items are donated.
  make item 1.97   Beene also makes items for the home.
  produce item 1.91   Then Harvey produced two items from his own pocket.
  send item 1.91   You send the item to the buyer, who inspects it.
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