company invest 19.62   The company has invested huge sums in research.
  fund invest 12.71   Both funds invest in large-cap stocks.
  government invest 4.81   The government invested millions in the hospital.
  people invest 4.02   People are investing in better neckwear.
  worker invest 3.88   No one suggested letting workers invest the money.
  business invest 3.42   But now businesses increasingly invest in intangibles.
  firm invest 2.57   That dwarfs what Spanish firms invest in the U.S.
  manager invest 2.30   Managers are also investing in bank stocks.
  individual invest 2.11   Individuals have been investing more in stocks, Smith said.
  investor invest 2.11   Wealthy individual and corporate investors have invested billions more.
  bank invest 1.84   Banks are investing less money in production.
  foreigner invest 1.58   It is illegal for foreigners to invest in the company.
  country invest 1.45   Many countries invest in Sri Lanka, including Korea, Japan, Norway, Britain.
  state invest 1.32   Fifteen other states already invest in Israel bonds.
  group invest 1.12   A Packer aide declined to say how much each group will invest.
  industry invest 1.05   Industry invested most heavily in France whereas banks favored Britain.
  family invest 0.86   Aristocratic families traditionally invest more thought and effort in educating boys than girls.
  corporation invest 0.79   He urged corporations to invest in workers and to ease the pain of downsizing.
  money invest 0.79   The Postal Service faces a problem is getting the money to invest in the company.
  businessman invest 0.66   He believes the small businessman invests his whole life in a company and risks losing it all.
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