government intend 17.77   Government intends to destroy rebel military.
  company intend 15.73   The company intends to appeal, she said.
  group intend 6.19   Tauzin said the group intends to forge compromise.
  administration intend 4.34   Richardson said the administration does not intend to use the reserve.
  official intend 3.42   City officials intend to give her that opportunity.
  president intend 2.76   The president intends to sign the bill into law.
  party intend 2.04   The parties cannot have intended such a consequence.
  bank intend 1.84   It was not clear how the bank intended to do it.
  team intend 1.71   A Clippers source says the team intends to do that.
  authority intend 1.65   Serbian authorities intend to prosecute Erdemovic and Kremenovic.
  measure intend 1.45   A prudent measure intended to protect public safety?
  police intend 1.45   Police had intended to raid the home next door.
  country intend 1.38   The country intends to keep its rice monopoly.
  man intend 1.38   The men intend to appeal against their convictions.
  force intend 1.32   The new force also intends putting up several observations points.
  program intend 1.32   The doll is part of the Baby Think It Over program intended to combat pregnancy among teen-agers.
  firm intend 1.25   Both firms intend to pursue retailing in China separately.
  leader intend 1.25   In any case, Bethel town leaders intend to keep the peace this weekend.
  commission intend 1.18   The commission originally intended to publish its Portadown verdict six weeks ago.
  prosecutor intend 1.18   Prosecutors intend the Tyson case to send a message.
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