musical instrument 19.62   Do you play a musical instrument?
  financial instrument 14.15   Why not all financial instruments measured at fair value?
  new instrument 5.92   He helped test the new instrument.
  surgical instrument 5.00   An autoclave is used to sterilize surgical instruments.
  blunt instrument 4.74   Force is a blunt instrument.
  scientific instrument 4.41   Calibration and servicing of scientific instruments.
  precision instrument 4.02   Wildland fire is not a precision instrument.
  medical instrument 2.70   Medical instruments and devices took third place in the region.
  electronic instrument 2.44   Assad shuns electronic instruments in her recordings.
  traditional instrument 2.37   Iyer, by contrast, tends to shun traditional instruments.
  sharp instrument 1.78   Most of the beasts were found stabbed with sharp instruments.
  modern instrument 1.65   Are ponderous modern instruments the problem?
  optical instrument 1.45   In it they gave no documentary evidence of optical instruments.
  special instrument 1.45   They used a special hooked instrument to pull it out.
  measuring instrument 1.38   Its original line was measuring instruments.
  sensitive instrument 1.38   Pointing sensitive instruments close to the sun risks damaging them.
  complex instrument 1.32   And even though big jets have complex instruments, they steer more or less like a car, he said.
  period instrument 1.25   The orchestra plays on period instruments.
  old instrument 1.18   They were only old instruments.
  political instrument 1.18   It is a political instrument.
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