international inspection 10.99   The sites would then be subject to international inspections.
  closer inspection 9.81   Closer inspection shows why.
  routine inspection 8.10   For now, routine inspections have resumed.
  new inspection 6.06   Iraq to set up new inspection mechanism.
  on-site inspection 4.81   Nothing beats on-site inspection.
  regular inspection 4.08   Provisions should be made for regular inspections.
  close inspection 3.82   The basic prevention is close inspection.
  visual inspection 3.62   Protein alignment was by visual inspection.
  nuclear inspection 3.36   Talks resume on nuclear inspections.
  full inspection 3.23   Give the United States full inspection access.
  annual inspection 3.03   The aircraft was due for its annual inspection.
  special inspection 2.83   The board urged special inspection efforts in urban areas.
  thorough inspection 2.63   Thorough inspections and test runs are conducted daily, she said.
  first inspection 2.37   The first inspections are expected later this month.
  spot inspection 2.30   Spot inspection teams are not being rushed to Iraq.
  federal inspection 2.17   He called for federal inspections of meat.
  further inspection 2.17   Further inspection later found nothing wrong.
  state inspection 1.91   And a state inspection soon found widespread problems.
  final inspection 1.78   A final inspection follows.
  public inspection 1.78   Two faces of the NBA, held up for public inspection.
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