political insider 5.99   Soon, he would be a political insider.
  possible insider 2.44   It is also investigating possible insider trading.
  party insider 2.04   Others are for party insiders only.
  corporate insider 1.65   Corporate insiders.
  former insider 1.38   The former Pentagon insider thinks he knows.
  illegal insider 1.18   It is the first SEC rule that specifically addresses illegal insider trading.
  ultimate insider 1.18   Sen. Bob Dole, the ultimate insider.
  consummate insider 1.12   But the truth is that I was the consummate insider.
  hollywood insider 0.92   Sagansky is a Hollywood insider.
  republican insider 0.86   Not all Republican insiders are worried about Buchanan.
  alleged insider 0.79   Alleged insider trading at ImClone leaves investors cautious,
  democratic insider 0.79   Democratic insiders favor Gore.
  longtime insider 0.46   Longtime insiders favored a more conservative approach.
  recent insider 0.46   Some Web sites, including Yahoo, publish records of recent insider sales.
  first insider 0.39   They collaborated on the book that is depicted as the first insider expose of the international neo-Nazi movement.
  savvy insider 0.39   More importantly, what are savvy Celtic insiders missing?
  suspected insider 0.39   The Busang debacle tells stories of greed, political pressures and suspected insider trading practices.
  unscrupulous insider 0.39   Some investors blame unscrupulous insiders.
  only insider 0.33   Waksal is not the only insider to benefit from the company.
  skating insider 0.33   Now skating insiders are calling for more comprehensive reform.
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