doctor insert 4.34   Doctors inserted a feeding tube.
  surgeon insert 1.12   Surgeons inserted screws and a titanium rod to repair his tibia.
  user insert 0.86   The user would then insert his music CDs into the computer.
  scientist insert 0.72   Scientists have even inserted flounder genes into tomatoes to prevent freezing.
  researcher insert 0.46   Researchers insert the luciferase gene into the TB bacteria and allow the bacteria to multiply.
  woman insert 0.46   The woman inserts the ring and it stays in place for three weeks.
  tube insert 0.39   Holes had to be drilled in the trunk, rubber tubes inserted.
  astronaut insert 0.26   The hatch is designed to open when astronauts insert a crank handle into the gear hub and rotate it.
  lawmaker insert 0.26   It would be a fairly small percentage of overall spending, but could involve eliminating pet projects inserted by lawmakers last week.
  member insert 0.26   A House staff member promptly inserted himself between the two men, both known for their tempers.
  people insert 0.26   At one spot, people have inserted the now ubiquitous memorial ribbons as well as small American flags.
  physician insert 0.26   Physicians inserted a stent to treat a narrowing in one artery segment, and said he should recover fully.
  surgery insert 0.26   That required surgery to insert a screw and he has never returned.
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