immediate indication 23.17   There was no immediate indication who was responsible.
  early indication 16.00   The early indications look encouraging.
  first indication 13.82   But the first indications are not encouraging.
  clear indication 12.44   It will give a clear indication.
  strong indication 7.50   Strong indication ground troops will join them.
  good indication 4.61   They give you a very good indication.
  latest indication 4.41   The report was the latest indication the economy is rebounding.
  initial indication 3.88   Initial indications do not look good.
  further indication 3.36   There was no further indication of their condition Friday.
  preliminary indication 2.90   Preliminary indications were viewers were intrigued.
  recent indication 2.11   Recent indications are mixed.
  clearest indication 1.71   The coup in Ecuador was the clearest indication of this discontent.
  only indication 1.65   The only indication of anything askew came Friday.
  official indication 1.45   There has been no official indication so far of a successor.
  strongest indication 1.45   It was the strongest indication yet he would seek reelection.
  better indication 1.38   A better indication is movement below the neck.
  public indication 1.32   It has given no public indication in Vienna of its intentions.
  new indication 1.25   New indications that cloned cells could slow or reverse the aging process.
  best indication 1.18   This gives the best indication of future operating performance.
  possible indication 1.05   The panel concluded that these amounted to only possible indications.
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