condition improve 33.77   Conditions have improved.
  situation improve 23.63   The situation did not improve.
  economy improve 18.56   Our economy is improving.
  thing improve 13.36   Things improved.
  relation improve 11.85   Relations have improved recently.
  step improve 10.20   TWA has been taking steps to improve.
  business improve 10.14   Business has improved.
  technology improve 7.70   Technology is also improving.
  weather improve 7.31   The weather has improved.
  sale improve 5.40   Sales improved.
  company improve 4.54   The company also is improving its balance sheet.
  health improve 4.48   His health has apparently improved.
  quality improve 4.41   Quality has improved.
  government improve 4.28   The government must improve the quality of human resources.
  market improve 4.28   Then the market improves.
  life improve 4.21   Life was improving.
  team improve 4.08   The team is improving.
  earnings improve 3.82   And if earnings improve, that could help.
  performance improve 3.82   Performance improved.
  sentiment improve 3.82   Investor sentiment is improving, too.
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