name imply 9.81   As the name implies, fresh is best.
  title imply 1.18   And, yes, as the title implies, they are hot.
  official imply 1.12   And U.S. officials implied Friday that access might now be improved.
  statement imply 1.05   The statement implied that the Democrats had won the rest.
  ad imply 0.92   TV ads implied that a woman was incomplete without a man.
  number imply 0.79   One number implies another.
  report imply 0.79   The report implied strong demand for oil.
  story imply 0.66   The Time story implies he is a holy man or preacher.
  term imply 0.59   The term implies a conscious decision to abstain from sex.
  word imply 0.59   His words implied a threat.
  comment imply 0.53   His comments imply the float could take place as early as July.
  book imply 0.46   The book implies that Newton took money as well.
  question imply 0.46   Note that these questions imply no broadly drawn findings.
  spread imply 0.46   A wider spread implies a lower relative price.
  article imply 0.39   State prosecutors alleged that the article implied she was corrupt.
  figure imply 0.39   And the underlying situation is even worse than those figures imply.
  movie imply 0.39   There is no magical mystical folderol, the movie implies.
  phrase imply 0.39   As the phrase implies, it can be painful.
  result imply 0.39   The results imply one of two things.
  study imply 0.39   Our study implies that in most years, guarantee payments would not be needed.
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