light illuminate 1.91   Lights illuminate original artwork.
  spotlight illuminate 0.99   Spotlights illuminated the scene as night fell.
  floodlight illuminate 0.92   Illuminated by floodlights, the site appears to be a giant movie set.
  flash illuminate 0.53   And a brilliant flash illuminates his face.
  candle illuminate 0.46   The room was illuminated by candles.
  firework illuminate 0.33   Fireworks will illuminate the Delaware River.
  flare illuminate 0.33   Green and red flares illuminated the ocean darkness.
  shaft illuminate 0.33   A shaft of sunlight illuminated the left side of his face.
  lighting illuminate 0.26   Trendy lighting illuminates work spaces.
  thousand illuminate 0.26   Thousands of firecrackers illuminated the night sky of the capital.
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