plead ignorance 2.70   Can I plead ignorance?
  claim ignorance 1.45   Nobody can claim ignorance.
  profess ignorance 0.79   But Disney spokesmen profess ignorance of the whole thing.
  feign ignorance 0.46   Publicly, the whippersnappers feigned ignorance.
  reveal ignorance 0.39   However, De La Hoya did reveal his ignorance.
  blame ignorance 0.33   They blame either ignorance or biased news coverage.
  confess ignorance 0.33   I confess ignorance.
  show ignorance 0.33   That shows ignorance of the disease by the employer.
  admit ignorance 0.26   He later admitted his ignorance.
  display ignorance 0.26   Others still display similar ignorance.
  exploit ignorance 0.26   Instead of educating the American people on the real choices in Bosnia, they chose to exploit their ignorance.
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