american ideal 2.90   She came to represent an American ideal.
  democratic ideal 2.90   It is a democratic ideal and a socially uniting one.
  olympic ideal 2.50   The Olympic ideal is a laughing stock.
  high ideal 2.11   He had very high ideals.
  political ideal 1.51   In the book, he gives expression to his political ideals.
  lofty ideal 1.32   Lofty ideals?
  revolutionary ideal 0.92   He argues that Lenin betrayed his revolutionary ideals.
  noble ideal 0.86   Diversity is a noble ideal.
  republican ideal 0.86   But the IRA regard him as a traitor who betrayed the republican ideal.
  romantic ideal 0.86   Blame romantic ideals.
  liberal ideal 0.79   Moreover, it has long embraced liberal ideals.
  old ideal 0.79   We still rely on old ideals, old images.
  western ideal 0.79   Coexistence has nothing to do with any Western ideal of multicultural tolerance.
  same ideal 0.72   So many people shared the same ideals as my parents.
  socialist ideal 0.66   Is it realising the socialist ideals that we stood for?
  cultural ideal 0.59   But monogamous marriage remained the triumphant cultural ideal.
  feminine ideal 0.59   But she, too, felt compelled to whip herself into the dominant feminine ideal.
  highest ideal 0.59   He always represented the highest ideals.
  new ideal 0.59   Seventh Avenue apparently has embraced a new masculine ideal.
  platonic ideal 0.53   For adolescent boys, the movies are the Platonic ideal of great cinema.
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