support hypothesis 3.23   Other lines of evidence support this hypothesis.
  test hypothesis 3.23   The next morning, I tested my hypothesis.
  confirm hypothesis 0.86   Do our results confirm this hypothesis?
  reject hypothesis 0.59   Other chemists rejected his hypothesis.
  disprove hypothesis 0.46   But Lozano said reenactments of the crime disproved that hypothesis.
  examine hypothesis 0.46   But to examine that hypothesis, Reeds had to know the Latin alphabet of the time.
  offer hypothesis 0.46   We cannot say for sure, but we can offer a hypothesis.
  prove hypothesis 0.39   But scientists wondered how to prove the hypothesis.
  develop hypothesis 0.26   Reading all the theories has led Herman-Giddens to develop a hypothesis of her own.
  follow hypothesis 0.26   This means that the order in which hypotheses are followed up can be manipulated.
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