rusting hulk 0.92   Next to a shimmering lagoon is the rusting hulk of a tank.
  burned-out hulk 0.79   This burned-out hulk was his house and shop.
  charred hulk 0.79   Charred hulks of cars lined the streets.
  twisted hulk 0.66   Twisted hulks of tanks rust amid the scattered bits of rubble.
  blackened hulk 0.46   Trucks haul in old limousines and haul out bullet-riddled blackened hulks.
  sunken hulk 0.33   Divers began inspecting the sunken hulk of a suspected North Korean spy ship Wednesday, the Japan Coast Guard said.
  burned hulk 0.26   The burned hulks of the barges were still floating on the channel Thursday night.
  metal hulk 0.26   As Ms. Bhutto eyed the grim remains of the bus, a charred and twisted metal hulk, she vowed to fight terrorism.
  rusty hulk 0.26   The pull at high tide Monday night barely budged the rusty hulk.
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