middle-aged housewife 0.92   His good looks has attracted many fans among middle-aged housewives.
  suburban housewife 0.86   Movie stars and suburban housewives buy our clothes.
  bored housewife 0.46   In the past, bored housewives remained bored.
  japanese housewife 0.46   Her students are a mix of disabled people and Japanese housewives.
  full-time housewife 0.33   She quit her secretarial job to become a full-time housewife.
  young housewife 0.33   Rani, a cheerful, talkative young housewife who follows all the proprieties of her village, seems an unlikely rebel.
  former housewife 0.26   Megawati insists that as a former housewife she has the right experience to deal with politics and economics.
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