cover hillside 0.72   Two hundred rusting tanks cover a hillside.
  dot hillside 0.59   Faded letters from propaganda slogans dot hillsides.
  stabilize hillside 0.46   A crane attempts to stabilize the hillside by strategically placing large boulders.
  strip hillside 0.39   Residents desperate for heating fuel have stripped hillsides bare of trees.
  up hillside 0.39   Racing up the hillside with their automatic rifles, they found a young boy.
  clear hillside 0.33   Hillsides are being cleared for jumbo parking lots for tour buses.
  denude hillside 0.33   Excessive logging has denuded the hillside of trees.
  collapse hillside 0.26   A major earthquake shook Central America on Saturday, cracking buildings, blocking roads and collapsing a hillside that buried dozens of homes.
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