suicide hijacking 2.96   Trans-Atlantic traffic slumped after the suicide hijackings.
  car hijacking 1.78   Car hijackings run into the thousands each year.
  airplane hijacking 1.18   Airplane hijackings and revolutions are not a hobby for Palestinians.
  plane hijacking 1.05   Should movies showing plane hijackings be shelved?
  airline hijacking 0.79   This is well known from airline hijackings.
  bus hijacking 0.66   Another is killed during a bus hijacking.
  truck hijacking 0.46   Bookmaking provided a steady income, as did delivery truck hijackings.
  airliner hijacking 0.39   A month after the airliner hijackings, auto sales reached an all-time high, albeit with the help of zero percent financing deals.
  ferry hijacking 0.33   The ferry hijacking came at a difficult time for Turkey.
  vehicle hijacking 0.26   Vehicle hijacking is common in South Africa.
  year hijacking 0.26   It was the second hijacking this year involving a Sudanese airliner.
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