block highway 12.71   The crowd briefly blocked a highway.
  close highway 7.11   Nine regional highways were closed.
  build highway 3.62   They built highways.
  clear highway 1.91   The labourers were on their way to clear the highway of heavy snow.
  line highway 1.91   Cars packed with people lined the highway.
  hit highway 1.45   Hit the highway.
  use highway 1.45   Of course, more people use highways than light rail in American cities.
  patrol highway 1.38   Thousands of extra state police were patrolling the highways.
  blockade highway 1.32   Hooded picketers tried to blockade highways around the capital.
  clog highway 1.12   Evacuees clogged highways.
  cross highway 1.05   I crossed the highway, dodging the traffic.
  open highway 1.05   State police were sent in to open the highway to traffic.
  reopen highway 0.72   He said the highway was reopened Tuesday.
  leave highway 0.66   She left the highway and stopped at a service station.
  pave highway 0.66   The information highway is being paved with glass, but now the road crews are running low.
  cut highway 0.59   Fighting between factions cuts major highway.
  jam highway 0.59   Traffic jams clogged highways around Wilmington, N.C.
  take highway 0.59   To bypass the city, take the highway that circles it.
  include highway 0.53   The projects include highways, railways and ports, and will mean more work for many companies.
  litter highway 0.53   Rocks littered the highway outside the campus.
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