daytime heating 4.08   Aided by daytime heating, it generated the showers and thunderstorms.
  uneven heating 2.04   Uneven browning is a sign of uneven heating.
  diurnal heating 1.32   Diurnal heating and sea breeze convergence will also help develop showers and thunderstorms.
  solar heating 1.32   What do clone, smog, and solar heating have in common?
  afternoon heating 0.99   When you factor in the afternoon heating, showers and thunderstorms become very likely.
  domestic heating 0.59   Less coal is now used for domestic heating.
  home heating 0.53   It is used for home heating and diesel engines.
  strong heating 0.39   Unlike many storms, these were not energized by strong solar heating.
  maximum heating 0.33   By day, the dry air favors clear skies, allowing for maximum heating from the strong spring sun.
  surface heating 0.33   Possible showers this afternoon will be produced by a combination of southerly flow and daytime surface heating.
  radioactive heating 0.26   What geophysicists have been lacking is a way to measure the temperature deep down, where radioactive heating plays a lesser role.
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