mark handover 1.12   Giant dinner to mark handover.
  delay handover 0.86   Officials said last-minute problems were delaying the handover.
  negotiate handover 0.86   Tribal leaders were trying to negotiate a handover of the city.
  discuss handover 0.59   Instead, Mobutu returned, and agreed to discuss a handover of power with Kabila.
  oversee handover 0.53   Because of the friction, a team of international monitors from Norway is to be deployed to oversee the handover.
  witness handover 0.53   Many people traveled from Portugal on package tours to witness the handover.
  complete handover 0.46   He said the handover would be completed two days later.
  follow handover 0.46   The Nablus ceremony followed the handover of responsibility for income tax and Value Added Tax collection in Ramallah at midday.
  arrange handover 0.39   Both sides of the JLG, which arranges the handover, ended talks recently without any agreement on the ceremony.
  demand handover 0.39   Israel is demanding the handover of wanted men whom it believes to be inside the two places.
  straddle handover 0.39   Eleven foreign inmates, whose sentences straddle the handover of sovereignty next July.
  attend handover 0.33   Representatives from six Arab countries also were to attend the handover, Ben Heli said.
  oppose handover 0.33   Israel firmly opposes a handover of all of those territories.
  block handover 0.26   Militant Jewish settlers have pledged to block the handover.
  endorse handover 0.26   The Israeli cabinet is to meet on Wednesday in Jerusalem to endorse the handover of further civil powers to the Palestinians on the West Bank.
  include handover 0.26   It has been discussing wide-ranging issues, including the handover of the two suspects.
  prepare handover 0.26   Haung said ADC was given three working days to prepare a handover.
  watch handover 0.26   Others hung decorative ribbons, tied balloons and mopped the floor of the glassed-in area where VIPs will watch the handover.
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