baggage handling 2.57   Baggage handling got slightly better last year.
  ball handling 1.51   His strength, his ball handling and his outside shooting all needed work.
  cargo handling 1.51   The firm has a monopoly of cargo handling at the airport.
  police handling 1.18   But he defended police handling of the investigation.
  ground handling 1.05   The agreement includes ground handling and catering.
  food handling 0.86   Cross contamination of other food can also take place as a result of poor food handling.
  error handling 0.46   ON ERROR OFF returns the control of error handling to BBCBASIC.
  mail handling 0.46   Postal officials called such mail handling unacceptable.
  government handling 0.39   Criticism of government handling of hate crimes also extends to the council chambers.
  information handling 0.33   The art of information handling is complex.
  road handling 0.33   The difference, of course, is the sporty performance and road handling of the GLS.
  stick handling 0.33   Other events include fastest skater, most accurate shot and stick handling.
  coal handling 0.26   This figure includes the cost of laying the pipeline and coal handling and storage cost.
  container handling 0.26   A MAJOR port operation in Hong Kong suffered a sharp decline in container handling during January.
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