get handle 7.70   Try to get a handle on Watters.
  have handle 4.21   It even has a handle on the top.
  turn handle 1.78   Then he turned the handle and went in.
  grab handle 0.99   Nice grab handle to ease entry and egress.
  use handle 0.72   You can use the handles to resize the frame.
  hold handle 0.66   Look if you hold the handle you can tip it, tip it up.
  see handle 0.66   You hardly see the handle.
  find handle 0.53   Where can I find such handles?
  make handle 0.46   Traditionally claw hammers had handles made of hickory.
  crank handle 0.39   Push the auger end into the bowl as you crank the handle clockwise.
  grasp handle 0.39   Grasp the handle with one hand.
  pull handle 0.39   You have to pull the handles.
  squeeze handle 0.39   He grabbed a bat and squeezed the handle.
  touch handle 0.33   A mom asked if her little girl could pose with me, and she shyly touched the handle of the torch.
  grip handle 0.26   To draw lines, grip the handle between the thumb and first two fingers.
  jiggle handle 0.26   She jiggled the handle of the pram to make the baby stop crying.
  move handle 0.26   Moving the handle rotates the ball over water supply ports and allows water to flow.
  try handle 0.26   He tried the handle but the door was locked.
  twist handle 0.26   Her hands began to twist the handles of the bag she carried.
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