carry handgun 7.18   The man was carrying a handgun, officials said.
  buy handgun 2.44   The handgun had been bought in Florida.
  fire handgun 1.97   He never fired the handgun.
  ban handgun 1.84   It bans all handguns from the home.
  find handgun 1.71   A handgun was found on his body.
  use handgun 1.65   Hunters use handguns for sport.
  have handgun 1.51   One had a handgun.
  pull handgun 1.32   They each pulled out handguns.
  recover handgun 1.32   A handgun was recovered, Hurst said.
  own handgun 1.18   One in five Americans owns a handgun.
  point handgun 1.18   Lyons pointed his handgun at Beach while Myers handcuffed him.
  possess handgun 0.79   Hamly admitted illegally possessing a handgun.
  purchase handgun 0.79   As a felon, he was barred from purchasing a handgun.
  register handgun 0.66   Once sales are complete, all handguns must be registered.
  sell handgun 0.66   Wal-Mart stores, except for those in Alaska, do not sell handguns.
  take handgun 0.66   A handgun was taken from the victim.
  brandish handgun 0.59   He has brandished a handgun during each robbery.
  outlaw handgun 0.59   Great Britain outlawed handguns after the Dunblane killings.
  produce handgun 0.59   He aprroached him and he then produced a handgun.
  allow handgun 0.39   The study also found policies that allow handguns in some buildings.
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