immediate halt 9.22   They have pressed for an immediate halt.
  temporary halt 6.98   The interview came to a temporary halt.
  abrupt halt 4.94   We come to an abrupt halt.
  screeching halt 4.61   A screeching halt named Newt Gingrich.
  complete halt 3.03   Monsoon rains bring traffic to a complete halt.
  grinding halt 2.44   This has come to a grinding halt.
  trading halt 2.44   Automatic trading halts worked, but did they help?
  virtual halt 2.17   That could bring the country to a virtual halt.
  sudden halt 1.84   Butterfly swimmers screech to sudden halts.
  bombing halt 1.78   The principles do not mention a bombing halt.
  near halt 1.18   Under his three-year tenure, peace talks came to a near halt.
  brief halt 0.99   In Sarajevo, aid flights resumed after a brief halt Saturday.
  total halt 0.99   Any agreement will depend on a total halt to firing on our communities.
  permanent halt 0.92   They had been expected to call a permanent halt to the scheme, perhaps last week.
  crashing halt 0.46   Then it came to a crashing halt.
  emergency halt 0.46   What warrants an emergency halt?
  overnight halt 0.46   Then it will be a dash south to the second overnight halt at Narbonne close to the border with Spain.
  premature halt 0.39   Bad weather brought the game to a premature halt.
  dead halt 0.33   Rarely do I come to a dead halt for hours.
  early halt 0.26   After high winds caused an early halt to play Thursday, the accumulated delay proved impossible to absorb Friday.
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